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Elections Positions - Associated Students, Inc.
The Associated Students, Inc. is the official student voice of California State University, Dominguez Hills
student government, associated students inc, asi, csudh, cal state university dominguez hills, dh, carson, college, advocacy, student rights, student board of directors, education, spring fling, halloween haunt, student elections
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Elections Positions


President:  Shall be the official student representative of the University. Shall be responsible for appointing members and officers to various committees within ASI and the University.


Executive Vice President: Shall assume the powers of the President in their absence.  Shall be responsible for all operational affairs of the Corporation.


Vice President of Academic Affairs:  Shall assume the powers of the President in the absence of the President and the Executive Vice President.  Shall be responsible for all academic affairs of the Corporation.  Shall attend all meetings of the Academic Senate.


Vice President of Finance:  Shall assume the duties of the President in the absences of the Vice President of Academic Affairs and the Executive Vice President.  Shall chair the Finance Commissions and serve as the ASI representative on the University Budget Committee.




Director of Legislative Affairs:  Shall be responsible for the monitoring, interpretation and evaluation of all State and Federal legislation that directly affects the California State University system or its students.


Director of Student Services: Shall represent students’ concerns in matters pertaining to the Student Services and, when necessary, investigate these matters. Shall be responsible for the development, implementation and evaluation of all student services provided by ASI.


Organizations Commissioner:  Shall be responsible for keeping the ASI Board of Directors informed of all Clubs and Organizations’ activities sponsored by ASI. Shall sponsor activities that enhance the development of clubs and organizations.


Elections Commissioner:  Shall be responsible for organizing, supervising, and certifying all elections held under the auspices of Associated Students, Inc. of CSUDH.


Student Activities Commissioner:  Shall be responsible for keeping the ASI Board of Directors informed of all student activities sponsored by ASI.  Shall be responsible for sponsoring student activities and cultural programs.


College of Arts and Humanities Representative: Shall be a student with a major in the College of Arts and Humanities. Shall represent students’ concerns in matters pertaining to the College of Arts and Humanities and, when necessary, investigate these matters. Shall represent students in any meeting pertaining to the College of Arts and Humanities. Shall host events each semester for students in the College of Arts and Humanities.


College of Natural and Behavioral Sciences Representative: Shall be a student with a major in the College of Natural and Behavioral Sciences. Shall represent students’ concerns in matters pertaining to the College of Natural and Behavioral Sciences and, when necessary, investigate these matters. Shall represent students in any meeting pertaining to the College of Natural and Behavioral Sciences. Shall host events each semester for students in the College of Natural and Behavioral Sciences.


College of Business Administration and Public Policy Representative: Shall be a student with a major in the College of Business Administration and Public Policy. Shall represent students’ concerns in matters pertaining to the College of Business Administration and Public Policy and, when necessary, investigate these matters. Shall represent students in any meeting pertaining to the College of Business Administration and Public Policy. Shall host events each semester for students in the College of Business Administration and Public Policy.


College of Health, Human Services and Nursing Representative: Shall be a student with a major in the College of Health and Human Services. Shall represent students’ concerns in matters pertaining to the College of Health and Human Services and, when necessary, investigate these matters. Shall represent students in any meeting pertaining to the College of Health and Human Services. Shall host events each semester for students in the College of Health and Human Services.


College of Education Representative: Shall be a student with a major in the College of Education. Shall represent students’ concerns in matters pertaining to the College of Education, and, when necessary, investigate these matters. Shall represent students in any meeting pertaining to the College of Education. Shall host events each semester for students in the College of Education.


International Students Representative: Shall represent students’ concerns in matters pertaining to the international students and, when necessary, investigate these matters. Shall represent students in any meeting pertaining to international students. Shall host events each semester for International Students.




One (1) Chief Justice as elected by The Judiciary Board on an annual basis, two (2) Judiciary Members: The Judicial Branch is charged with the responsibility to ensure that the actions of the Board of Directors are in compliance with the Bylaws or any code of the Corporation. In the case of recall, impeachment, and/or initiative legislation, it is the responsibility of the Judiciary for investigation of any contested election and said court shall render opinion thereon. The Judiciary shall have the power to make any procedures that will assure a fair and orderly hearing. Judiciary members may serve in no other capacity in the corporation while a member of the court.